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iOS - Catch Them

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iOS - Catch Them


Catch Them! is a fun multiplayer geolocation creature collecting game solution. In this multiplayer game your goal is to collect all creatures, upgrade them and have fun doing it! 


This awesome game features: 

  • gameplay on customised real world map
  • day and night mode maps
  • catch creature augumented reality gameplay view
  • checkpoint bonus gameplay view
  • arena gameplay view and combat logic
  • register option for new or login option for existing user
  • character creation
  • creature encyclopedia
  • creature upgrade and evolve system
  • overview of collected creatures
  • inventory overview
  • item shop
  • achievements
  • profile overview
  • journal (gameplay log) view
  • game settings
  • sound effects
  • background music
  • easy to use application navigation
  • clear user interface, easily customizable
  • retina support (includes @2x and @3x images)
  • and more...

Please note:

  • since version 1.4 game supports Admin panel - Web based administration system
    since version 1.3 game supports localization, checkpoint spin and Mapbox map style files
    since version 1.2 game includes PHP based backend system and multiplayer logic
  • since version 1.1 game includes augmented reality "catch creature" view, which does not require 3rd party library
  • game does not include eggs nor egg hatching logic
  • shop shows sample items that can be set up for purchase with in-app purchases
  • MapBox starter licence allows 50.000 map views and mobile user per month, you'll have to purchase better license if your game will have more views/users

How to Setup and Re-skinning

Project architecture

Application data is stored in MySQL database, which should be created on your server from MySQL scripts provided with project.

In order for client applications to access this data all requests are made via PHP API which should be hosted on your server. PHP API is based on model-view-controller software pattern and its methods access data from database and return it in JSON format to client applications.

Communication with API on both client applications works in same way: applications request data from API and store retrieved data in predefined objects. 

MySQL database

Database should be created on your server and populated with script provided in the project. After you create database open phpMyAdmin and import catchthem.sql script: 

Following database tables will be created: • arenas
• checkpoints
• users 


Client applications communicate with PHP API in order to retrieve data from database. API communicates with database with SQL queries, this data is wrapped in JSON format and sent to client applications to answer on their requests.

On your server create folder for API in which you should place all files from folder PHP. You can name this folder “api” or any name you like and you’ll need to enter URL of this folder in app projects so applications can communicate with it.

API should be configured with file Settingsconfig.php in which you should fill in values for database name, database user, password, email settings and app settings 

File .htaccess will handle URL requests so index.php can process them.

In API folder you can see following subfolders:

Classes – helper classes required by API

Controllers – API controllers
images – image assets

Libs – external libraries used by API

Models – API models
resetpassword – reset password form

Settings – settings folder 

File index.php handle all requests from client application and all API methods can be found in this file. You can test is your API working correctly if you access it over URL which will display default message “It works!”. This message can be changed in index.php 

Folder Models contains API files that query database with SQL queries, each file in this folder can be modified in order to achieve different API logic. For example file Checkpoints.php in method named GetCheckpoints defines logic how to retreive checkpoints in certain radius around player 


Description: player object with all game properties, catched creatures and settings. Properties:

  • ï‚·  NSString playerName

  • ï‚·  NSString playerID

  • ï‚·  int playerLevel

  • ï‚·  int playerExperienceOnLevel

  • ï‚·  NSDate playerStartDate

  • ï‚·  NSMutableArray playerArrayJournalLogs

  • ï‚·  int playerMagicDust

  • ï‚·  NSMutableArray playerArrayCreatures

  • ï‚·  int playerBalls

  • ï‚·  NSDate playerVisitedCheckpoint

  • ï‚·  BOOL settingsMusic

  • ï‚·  BOOL settingsSound

  • ï‚·  BOOL settingsVibration


    Description: creature object with properties that are loaded from plist and creature power. In order to create this object from list you can use initWithDictionary method.


  • ï‚·  NSString creatureName

  • ï‚·  NSString creatureDescription

  • ï‚·  NSString creatureImage

  • ï‚·  int creatureWeight

  • ï‚·  int creatureHeight

  • ï‚·  int creatureTypeID

  • ï‚·  int creatureLevelID

  • ï‚·  int creatureMinLevel

  • ï‚·  int creaturePowerMultiplier

  • ï‚·  int creaturePower 

  • GameCheckpoint

    Description: checkpoint object with properties that are loaded from backend API. Properties:

  • ï‚·  NSString checkpointLatitude

  • ï‚·  NSString checkpointLongitude

  • ï‚·  NSString checkpointID

  • ï‚·  NSString checkpointName

  • ï‚·  NSString checkpointImage


    Description: arena object with properties that are loaded from backend API. Properties:

  • ï‚·  NSString arenaID

  • ï‚·  NSString arenaLatitude

  • ï‚·  NSString arenaLongitude

  • ï‚·  NSString arenaName

  • ï‚·  NSString arenaPlayerName

  • ï‚·  GameCreature arenaCreature 

  • GlobalDefines.h

  • ï‚·  kPlayerStartingBalls – number of balls that new player have when he starts the game

  • ï‚·  kPlayerExperienceLvl – base amount of experience needed for next level which is

    multiplied by that level in formula "playerLevel * kPlayerExperienceLvl"

  • ï‚·  kMagicDustPerCatch – amount of magic dust awarded from catching a creature

  • ï‚·  kMagicDustForTrade – amount of magic dust awarded from trading a creature

  • ï‚·  kCheckpointBalls – amount of balls awarded from checkpoint collecting

  • ï‚·  kCheckpointExperience – amount of experience awarded from checkpoint collecting

  • ï‚·  kCatchExperience – amount of experience awarded from catching a creature

  • ï‚·  kUpgradeCostInt – amount of magic dust needed for creature upgrade

  • ï‚·  kEvolveCostInt – amount of magic dust needed for evolving a creature

  • ï‚·  kEvolveExperience – experience awarded from evolving a creature

  • ï‚·  kMapBoxDayStyleURL – Mapbox day mode map style URL

  • ï‚·  kMapBoxNightStyleURL – Mapbox night mode map style URL

  • ï‚·  kMapBoxStyleKey – Mapbox access token

  • ï‚·  kAPIkey – API key used for application authorization to access data stored in the


  • ï‚·  kBaseURL – API base URL 

  • Adding In-App Purchase

    If you wish to offer In-App Purchase in your applications, you must complete several steps before you can do it 


Last Update - Nov 27th, 2018


Click Button "TEST NOW" to test the games and you will be redirected either to Dropbox Link, Google Play link, or iTunes Store Link!

money guarantee

14 Days

Money Back Guarantee

$ 399.00 ?

Create and Distribute Unlimited Apps

$ 799.00 ?

Reskin App License

+ $ 1399.00 ?
  • 1 Full Reskin of this App
  • Dedicted Project Manager
  • Advertising Integration
  • ASO
  • Google Play Store Submission
Sub Total Price : $ 399.00

Framework & Platforms



Game Template > Adventure

Operating System

Cocos2dx 2.2.6, Cocos2dx 3.x

File Included

.h, .m, .pch, .xib


- gameplay customised real world map, - day night mode maps, - catch creature augumented reality gameplay view, - checkpoint bonus gameplay view.

Development Agency

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